Photo Forum

EPS Photo Forum – Clinic Night

Photo Forum and Clinic Night have been rolled into the same night.

Photo Forum – Clinic Night offers an open forum for camera club members. This is a great way to get ideas to prepare your image for Competition, or to help you understand why an image previously entered in Competition may not have scored as high as you expected. Non-competition image and video sharing for informal critiques. Images submitted for the clinic part of the night will be given more time as far as post-processing.

Camera setting for special techniques, post-processing techniques, and informal critiques are discussed freely between the submitting member and the group.

Here is an example of a Photo Forum – Clinic Night before and after image where there would be a demonstration and discussion of post-processing. How to go from the before image, to the after image.

Before – Rochelle Villanueva
After – Rochelle Villanueva