President’s Monthly Newsletter

Hi all,

We’ve got a whole new year of photography fun coming up, and it all starts on Tuesday, January 2 with our first Challenge Night of the year.  It sneaks up on you, doesn’t it.  

This President’s letter will be my last, as Anne Campbell will be taking over as President as soon as we vote for the new board on Thursday.  Thanks for making my job so easy over the past few years!  It’s been rewarding and a lot of fun.  

End Of Year Competition

Entries are open for the End of Year Competition for 2024. Cut off date for submissions is January 28th. Information for this competition can be found at I have temporarily turned off the members only status on this page so you can get to it without logging in. We sure would like to see a lot of images this year. We saw some great work in 2024.


Thursday, January 2, 6:30 — Challenge Night

This month’s Challenge is “Phone Photography”, so get out that cool little cell phone and get to work.  Tom Vickers is taking over Challenge night, so let’s make sure we kick off his first evening with lots of participation.  

Also, we’ll be voting in 2025’s Board.  We could still use another member or two on the board as Board Members at Large.  

Thursday, January 9, 6:30 — Education Night

We’ve got two presenters scheduled for this month’s talk.  Tom and Cree Bol are professional photographers and educators based in Alaska.  They’ll be sharing their favorite locations, photography tips and how to deal with extreme cold.  

Thursday, January 16, 6:30 — Photo Forum/Clinic Night

We’ve been off for a bit, so I’m betting members have some great photos to share.  If you’re interested in submitting a photo for some helpful critiques, you can send the photo to me prior to the meeting.

Thursday, January 23, 6:00 — Social Night

This is a wonderful time to catch up in person with your photo club peers.  Location this month is TBD.

Coffee Gang

Monday, January 6 and Monday, January 20 at the Gateway Grill. 9:00 am.

Photographer Awards

Thursday, February 27th at Dickie Joe’s. 

Make sure you make it in your calendar.

Kevin Reilly

See you all next Thursday and have a wonderful new year.