Category: Uncategorized

Food for thought on the rule of thirds..

Article: Stop Trying to Impress Photographers

Stop Trying to Impress Photographers

Who are you making that image for?

Kind of an interesting opinion here and I know many of us in the club have talked about it. I think it is a good point to remember when judging…

Commentary about Photography Competitions

A friend alerted me to this thought provoking commentary about photography competitions.  It’s about ten minutes long and I think provides an interesting perspective on how to think about competition…

Five Tips for Landscape Photography

I need to visit this site more often…some good information. here is my contribution.

Very much worth 18 minutes of your time.

As a National Geographic photographer, Dewitt Jones discovered a way of seeing that changed his life. Through his stories and unforgettable images, Dewitt shares his emotional, personal journey that leaves…

Inspiration from a Podcast

Highlights From Year One–This Week In Photo. A recap of one of my favorite podcasts. Check it out. Highlights From Year One

Technologies that help aging photographers stay active in their passion

At the meeting the other night I shared a bit from a wonderful article by George Lepp in Outdoor photographer. I was asked to post share it in its entirety….

Post Processing Close-up Still Eclipse Images

    At the time of my presentation, I did not have information on how to post process eclipse images. Further research has solved that.   My presentation emphasized shooting close up…

Eclipse Camera Control Software

  Eclipse chasers often use software driven camera controllers with a laptop to maximize their photography & viewing experience during totality.  Cameras supported are almost exclusively Nikon & Canon models….