Category: Software

Free Textures – Overlays

I know there are thousands of free textures out there but ran across these and thought they looked pretty interesting.

Exporting images from Lightroom

A very good guide from RMSP on exporting images here..

Early Photoshopping

So, “editing” photos goes back a long time!

Focus Stacking

Very easy to follow article on focus stacking. Watch the video.

How to add metadata for manual lenses in Lightroom

If you are into using manual lenses like I am, new or vintage, someday you are going to really wish you could look at the metadata of an image and…

Milky Way Processing in PS

Review of OrionH  

Creating light trails in Photoshop (not star trails)

For you PS geeks out there this may be fun and interesting..

Quick Primer on Lightroom File Exporting

I know there are many in the club that have not switched to Lightroom for different reasons but the biggest is the workflow. This link is a basic primer in…